The Place to Purchase Exotic Rare Guppies, Endlers, Shrimp, Snails, Live Plants...

Mitchell Weintraub, Florida, U.S.A.

Would you let me know what kind of water these fish are used to? Temperature, pH, any aquarium salt, added minerals, etc.

Your Fish have been raised in a greenhouse in 55 gallon breeder tanks and the water stays quite warm, 82 – 86 degrees this time of year with the early morning temperatures dipping to 76 degrees. They are accustomed to natural full day length exposure to sunlight and moonlight. The pH is a steady 7.6, the source is unfiltered Florida well water which naturally filters through a limerock aquifer, kH (calcium level) is quite high and no salt added. The TDS measures 390. I raise plants with them, so the tanks have Florida sandy soil as substrate and are heavily planted along with an assortment of invertebrates, scuds, snails, cherry shrimp, daphnia and cyclops are cultured within the same tanks. This lessens aggression between males and provides a constant variety of live food. I would not recommend placing these in a bare spotless tank and they will benefit by having lots of retreat area for the sub dominant males. Be sure to feed your existing tank mates at the same time as introducing them into your aquarium.

LIVEFINS Aquatics Greenhouse Growing Area
View Of Production Growing Area For Livefins

How can you identify the difference between 2 different types of Female Endlers, Guppies or Gambusia?

Gambusia Anal Fin Ray Count
Identifying Types of Gambusia as compared with Endlers

In this case, in order to be able to identify which of your Female Livebearers is the female Ginga Sulphureus, you’ll need to count the number of Anal Fin rays and compare them with a known female of the type of Endler or Guppy you presume the fish may be and a Ginga sulphureus female. Unfortunately I do not know the counts on these off the top of my head, but I believe they are different especially if you are dealing with an N Class Pure Endler as compared with a mostly guppy genetic line such as the Ginga sulphureus… That’s what I’d do to identify the fish in question. If they are the same then compare the dorsal fin ray counts as well.